Sunday, March 29, 2009


Advice. How can you tell what advice is good or bad? How can you tell whether or not to follow someone’s advice or when to just completely ignore it? Is there such a thing as good and bad advice? So many questions, so little answers. This clique is fitting for the topic of advice. Advice is completely subjective. Whether advice is good or bad, it all depends on the perspective of the person receiving the advice. The viewpoints of two people will at most times be very different, making the interpretations of certain situations and events very diverse. So when someone says something to the effect of “I give bad advice”, it is an untrue statement, because no advice is good or bad…it all depends on how people understand and interpret the information. Now as the receiver of advice, what advice do you follow? Should you follow any advice at all? Should you trust your own opinion and ideas? Yes your own ideas and opinions are always the way to go; however someone else’s advice and thoughts should always be taken into account. I am not saying that you have to listen to what everyone has to say about you. All I am saying is that sometimes people understand the situation better than you do, or have more life experience than you do, so that their wisdom and knowledge of life would be a good thing to think about when sorting out the problem in your head. The person giving the advice also makes a huge difference. I always trust the advice of a person that I know I can trust and who I know cares about me. Family will always care about what you are going through and will always try to understand the situation and help you in anyway they can. Finding which friends to listen to is where it becomes more difficult. In order to know which friends are going to care about you and give you their honest and true opinion, you have to know your friends. Think about all the things you have been through with that person and pick out certain qualities or moments where that friend has show that he/she deeply cares and would be willing to help you understand and work out a dilemma/situation. But once again, your opinion comes first. Do what you think is best, not what someone else thinks. Your opinion is the only one that matters. But that does not mean that you shouldn’t listen to the opinions of others. People all have a different way of thinking and interpretation, which can help you find the best solution. The trick is to find the right combination of both.

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