Saturday, May 8, 2010

NBA Playoff Predictions 2010: Round 2

Ok so time for round two

My first round didnt go too well. It was ok, but I can do better

Lets check out my Round 2 predictions

Western Conference Round 2

1 Lakers

5 Jazz

Prediction: Not even close. The Jazz always have trouble with the Lakers. Boozer is a great player, but too small to fight and battle with Lamar, Pau, and Andrew. Plus Artest and Kobe can help slow down and stop Deron Williams. Lakers in 4.

3 Suns

7 Spurs

Prediction: The Spurs looked good in the last round, but the Suns looked impressive as well. Nash and Stoudimire are unstoppable with the pick and roll, and Duncan is slowing down and I down think they'll be able to defend it. Suns in 5.

Eastern Conference Round 2

1 Cavaliers

4 Celtics

Prediction:Even with Lebrons elbow injury, supposedly, the cavs shouldnt have any problems. The Celtics are aging and slowing down. Rondo is giving the team a boost and you cant count out the Big 3, but the Cavs are too talented. Cavs in 4.

2 Magic

3 Hawks

Prediction: The Hawks are athletic, and young. Who doesn't love what they have going, but the Magic are tough. Vince Carter is showing why the Magic choose him over Hedo. Dwight didn't perform as well as expected in Round 1, but going against Al Horford should give him a good match up that I feel could push Dwight to a next level. Magic in 4.

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