Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pokemon Black and White: Starters Silhouettes Revealed

Ok so I was hoping to see the new starters today, but it looks like we're gonna have to wait a few more days for more info to leak. However Serebii did post silhouettes for the starters.

So my initial thoughts.

One looks like a Buizel looking design, but the tail looks different. It could possibly be the fire starter, with a flame tail. Or it could be the water starter with a tail fin.

The other one looks like a bunny. Thats pretty simple, but then it could be a Turtwig type, with the "bunny" ears actually being leafs for a grass starter. Also it has a tail like a Spoink.

The last one just looks like a beaver. I am almost sure that its the water starter.

Those are my thought on it. I'll be back on when the actual pics get leaked

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