Monday, September 14, 2009

Bored in Compter Programming

Ok so right now i am sitting in computer programming class in 3rd period. This class could not be more useless. All we do is write, but not on a on paper....WTF! How does that make sense!? Why do we even need this class...most of the students have proven that we know more than the teacher....we have corrected him several times....and thats just today. What is a computer programming class if you dont use the computer....this is just a prime example of why LAUSD is wasting money and wasting the time of both its students and teachers. There are about 28, $3,000 apple computers....beautiful computers, but no we dont use them, we just turn them off, and turn them on....WTF!!! THATS LIKE $100,000 WASTED AND A WASTE OF PERFECTLY GREAT AND AWESOME MACS!!!! WOW LAUSD!!! ALL THIS AND YOU GUYS ARE STILL FIRING GOOD TEACHERS!! Really does this generation really need to learn how to use an email account or learn how to search the internet. Honestly this class is obviously obsolete and needs o either be changed or gotten rid of. I took this class because I thought Intro to Computers would be too easy for me, but now that I know how mindless and easy computer programming is...I wonder what Intro to Comp is like....hmmmmmmm

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