Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Busy Work


I really don't understand what is the point of teachers that give their students tons and tons of buys work. Honestly busy work just frustrates student more than it helps. Whats the point of doing a crossword puzzle, taking notes, copying words out of a book, etc. I don't get it. Is it because the teachers just don't want to teach....or do they have a hangover from the night before.....do they just want to take a nap. Alot of people just hatebusy work and I think most people think that they would learn more from the teacher actally teaching, rather than assigning and grading. It seems like so much of a waste of time. Whats the point of taking notes from the book and turning them in.....you dont even get to study from the notes.....WTF! I mean whats the point of notes then? Honestly I learn faster listening, than writing. Maybe its just me....idk. All i know is that I find busy work pointless, mindless, and annoying.


  1. What type of programming languages are you learning? I'm interested in becoming a game programmer. My current goal is to create a game from scratch.
    As for the notes, if you write it down it helps you memorize the it easier. If you rush and write down the notes, it won't work. You need to read, think and then write down the notes. Also, if you're planning to become a programmer, you definitely should study on the notes and book. You need to learn all about each programming structure and the functions that go with it. Each programming language has its unique way of reading commands. I'm not sure why your teacher has given you a crossword though. Perhaps it helps fix errors?

  2. Dude i have no idea how stupid the class is....its basically teaching us how to use excel and word

  3. That's basically a pointless class; why do you even bother taking it?
