Sunday, October 25, 2009

All Time NBA Team vs All NBA Team

Ok, so the last few weeks I've posted up my idea of an All Time NBA Team with legendary NBA players, and a All NBA Team with current players. Now what if these two teams played a game? Lets break it down position by position.
First, Point Guard. Magic Johnson would be too big for Chris Paul too handle. Chris Paul might be able to use some quickness, but I think Magic's size is too much for Paul to handle. Advantage: Magic Johnson.
Next, Shooting Guard. This is by far the closest match-up. Even though Kobe doesn't like to be compared to Michael Jordan, the fact is that they are very similar. Both are unbelievable offensive players, and both play great defense. They are complete players, and I think that this match-up is too close to call. Advantage: Even
Lets look at small forward. This is also a close match-up, but Larry Birds shooting is the deciding factor. LeBron's shooting problems have been well documented. Bird's defense can stop, or at least slow down Lebron's inside game, and I don't think Lebron can stop Bird. Advantage: Larry Bird
Next match-up, power forward. This is a very interesting match-up. Kareem is definitely a better offensive player than Dwight Howard, but Kareem uses athleticism and quickness. Howard is athletic and strong, he can power home a dunk, and drive to the basket. I think that although Howard is a great defensive player, Kareem can still score. And even though Howard might be stronger than Kareem, his offensive game isn't good enough to score consistently on Kareem. Advantage: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
Time for the centers. This is the only match-up that has actually taken place. Shaq and Duncan have played against each other 52 times, 27 regular season games and 25 playoff games. Now in those match-ups, Shaq has the advantage offensively, averaging more points per game, and rebounds per games. Defensively, Duncan has a huge advantage. Shaq has made the All Defensive Team 3 times, while Duncan has done it 11 times. Shaq has won more regular season match-ups. Duncan however has an advantage in the playoffs. Winning more match-ups and having better performances. However Shaq is far more physically gifted than Duncan, and there are more factors to this match-ups besides just these two players. With the statistics so close, and Shaq's superior athletic ability, I think Shaqq slightly wins this match-up. Advantage: Shaquille O’Neal
Finally the sixth man. Julius Erving was a great player, but I feel that Dwayne Wade has an advantage here. Wade is definatly a superior shooter and defender. He should have no problem shutting down Erving, and he would be able to do a decent job on the other players on th All Time NBA Team. I doubt Erving can match-up with Kobe, Lebron, or maybe not even Paul. Advantage: Dwayne Wade

So the conclusion...the All NBA Team is just too much for the All NBA Team. I think the All Time NBA Team would win this game easily. If you disagree feel free to comment.

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