Thursday, October 1, 2009

Frustrations With Disscussion

Back in Computer Programming! Hooray......not really.

This is something that really bothers me. First of all let me say that I love debate. People really need to stop getting mad when discussing opinions. Honestly your opinion is your opinion, and my opinion is my opinion. If you question what my opinion is and I tell you, don't get mad and tell me I'm wrong. I might be wrong sure, so then tell me your opinion and explain it to me. If I accept it great, if not then lets discuss it. I am so tired of people getting so defensive about their own opinions that they get so mad and heated about the issue. Honestly if you don't want to have your ideas discussed then don't bring it up. When you bring up your ideas or opinions on a certain topic then you are basically asking for it to be discussed, questioned and dissected. If you don't want that, then don't say anything. People don't want to hear your opinion if your gonna be an ass when people question it. The saying goes "If you're stupid surround yourself with smart people, but if you're smart surround yourself with smart people who disagree with you". Discussion and debate make you smarter. The more you know about the different sides/aspects of a topic, the more educated your opinion of it is going to be. So instead of getting mad, just accept the breakdown of your opinion and learn from the people around you. And don't force your opinion on someone else. Not everyone has to think like you, just state what you think and that's it. If someone asks questions and likes your ideas then great, but don't force the issue. basically it gets down to the fact that, you should think that you're better than someone else, because you're most likely not. If you do think you are better than someone else, then you're probably just a huge douche that should just go screw him/her self.

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