Thursday, April 22, 2010

Farewell Key Club

This years District Convention marked the end of my fourth year in Key Club, and my Key Club career. It was a sad, yet fulfilling moment. It started out as something I followed my friends to, and it quickly grew into something more. I decided a lot of time and effort over my high school career to Key Club, and I haven't regretted a second of it. I have met so many amazing people, had so many unforgettable experiences, and learned so much about leadership and myself. I would like to take this time to thank those people who have made this experience such a great one.

To my family

Thank you for everything. You've always supported me in everything I did, or wanted to do. I might not always show it, but I do appreciate everything.

To the District Boards and International Boards from 2006-2010

Although I might not have meet all of you in person, or you may not know who I am, I want to thank all of you for making this organization what it is. It has grown and grown, and all Key Clubbers have worked so hard. The only reason we were able to do so is due to your leadership and passion for service. Key Club is special to me, and I know for a fact it is to you as well. I have often said that its one of the few clubs that could get "selfish" high school students to give up their weekends to clean up a park. haha but you have all taken this to a new level. You all have basically given up your life to making Key Club thrive. Flying all over the country, all over the world, missing dances, hang outs, kick backs, parties, missing class time, missing family time, the list going on and on. I can't even imagine all that you guys had to miss. Thank you for sacrificing so much to make this all possible.

To the Kiwanis

When I first joined Key Club, I never really paid attention to the Kiwanis and what they did. It wasn't until I got more involved in Key Club that I finally realized all that you do for us. I've worked with my sponsoring Kiwanis closely over the past few years, and I have to say that you all are my heroes. We've become a pretty good team, Key Club and Kiwanis. haha I feel that we've formed a tight friendship and bond. I deeply respect for all of you, and I am proud to have worked side by side. I hope that we have made an impression on you because you have definitely made an impact on me. I hope to someday be a Kiwanis, helping and working with my own group of Key Clubbers, helping them grow, as you did for me. Thank you for watching over us and guiding us in the right direction, even when it seemed like we didn't want to listen

To the past LTGs, club officers, and members of Division 25 West

You must be wondering why I am saying all of this now, even though some of you have been gone from Key Club for 4 years already. And most of you won't ever hear this. But I feel that you have a huge hand in getting me so into Key Club. Each and everyone of you has taught my something whether its how to plan out an event, get around Key Club protocol, or just how to draw on my sleeping VP's face with a Sharpie. You have each passed on your knowledge to me, whether it was about Key Club, or just about life. I still talk to alot of you, making jokes, sharing stories, discussing which Pokemon makes the best attacker. But some of you I don't talk to that often, or even at all. You have all inspired me to follow your examples and strive for success, in Key Club and out. Thank you for being a older siblings to me, not mater how annoying I got.

To my friends

Guys, we've had a blast. All of the fundraisers, cleanups, carnivals, fall rallies, etc. There are so many memories, and each one carries a story. We've had our disputes, but we've always pulled through. We've slacked off and almost missed on a few deadlines and event plans, but we've always gotten on track and gotten it done. We do things in our own style and we like it that way. Each one of us has a different personality, style, way of doing things, but despite that we've mixed beautifully. Halo, Super Smash, Left 4 Dead, Mario Kart, and of course Pokemon have been a part of almost every meeting and have probably distracted more than it should have. All of the joke and plans that fail, or when wrong make for a lot of laughs whether they work or not. But all that has done one thing. It brought us together, to the point where I feel I know everyone of your personalities like the back of my hand. We've pushed each other to new heights and brought each other up. We're all family and as we move on to the next stage of our lives, we all know we got back up. Thank you all for being my family and I look forward to our adventures ahead.

To my home club and Division 25 West

We guys are awesome. I hope that I have help all of you in any way I could. I tried to help each of you and answer all of your questions. I hope I was a good officer and made this year fun. I certain had a great time with all of you and this last year was one of the best. You all are full of spirit and you all have bright futures. I am very proud of you all. I hope I have taught you guys something and I am always here if you need any advice, Key Club or life. Thank you for being great Key Clubbers, and all I ask is that you keep the Key Club spirit alive and try to inspire others, as I have tried. I'll be checking in once in a while, so keep up the good work.

Key Club has given me so much, and I did my best to give back by providing service and spreading the Key Club way. I realize now that it is impossible. Key Club changed my view on life and how I want to go about living the rest of it. The only way to fully give back to this unbelievable organization is to keep serving, to keep leading, to keep up the great work that Key Club instilled in me. Thank you everyone, for everything.

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