Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Final Fantasy XIII Review! FINALLY HERE!!

Final Fantasy XIII. We've been waiting and waiting for 2 years and itll finally here. I got the game on launch and had a decision to make at Gamestop. PS3 or 360? Now PS3 has only 1 Blu-Ray disc, and maybe, improved graphics but reviews said that the graphics are about the same (which they are). 360 has 3 discs and its the console I play more. I choose 360 because of the long load times for Blu-rays, which sparked a big discussion in Gamestop about whether to wait for load screens or having to get up and change the disc. Only in America could we be that lazy lol....well thats not entirely true, you could throw Japan in there too, but only about games and anime for them lol. Anyway back to the topic at hand.

Ok since the story is kinda confusing and hard to explain heres the plot taken from wikipedia:

"Some 1,300 years ago, a group fal'Cie constructed a paradise for humanity: the shell-like city of Cocoon, which floats high above the surface of Pulse under the power of the Cocoon fal'Cie Orphan. Then, the Cocoon fal'Cie created life forms and machines for Cocoon's inhabitants to use, and humanity flourished. A war was fought between the fal'Cie of Pulse and the Cocoon fal'Cie, and Cocoon prevailed in what was eventually known as the War of Transgressions. However, fear lingered in the hearts of the people of Cocoon, for the day another invasion might come from the world beneath again.

Although most Cocoon citizens have never seen Pulse with their own eyes, they have been told that it is a dangerous place that has strange effects on those who venture down to its surface. Consequently, anyone who is discovered to have been in contact with anything from Pulse is immediately subjected to quarantine and exile by the theocratic government of Cocoon, known as the Sanctum. The Sanctum enforces this policy with its strongest military branch, PSICOM.

As Snow leads the resistance group, NORA, in an attempt to stop the purging of civilians, the mysterious Lightning fights her way past PSICOM soldiers with the aid of Sazh to find a Pulse fal'Cie, Anima, who turned her sister, Serah (who is also Snow's fiancée), into a l'Cie. Through a chain of events, these three, along with two exiles, Vanille and Hope, are forced by the fal'Cie of Pulse to become l'Cie, and with that became enemies of humanity with the Focus of bringing about the downfall of the Orphan, who provides the fal'cie Eden with the energy it needs to run Cocoon. Slaying Orphan would supposedly result in Cocoon's demise."

Ok, so if you didnt get that, then yea....just play the game, it makes more sense as you go on...trust me haha.

The battle system is kinda like FFVII: Crisis Core. Its turn based, Active Time Battle. The attacks look cool, and upgrading system is easy to use. The summons are awesome and the battles are fun once you get the hang of it.

The leveling system is like a sphere grid from Final Fantasy X. Its called The Crystarium. Instead of gaining experience points after winning a battle, characters gain Crystogen Points (CP) which can then be spent in order to unlock abilities and increase attributes such as maximum HP. Every character has a Crystarium, and within it, different sections corresponding to each Role the character has available. The Paradigm Shift is another important factor in the game was well. It is like job switching in Final Fantasy X-2. Each paradigm has a certain role for each character. Strategy is a big factor in parts of the game, and Paradigm Shifts are the way to do it.

Graphically, the game is stunning. The cienmatics borderline photo realisim, while the in game models look better than most of the games on the market today. In terms of cienmas and cutscenes, the game rivals Metal Gear Solid 4, however the in game engine doesnt even come close to what MGS4 was able to do.

The game is solid, I've been busy lately so I havent been able to finish it yet. Final Fantasy never disappoints. Its looking like the game was worth the wait and is living up to all the hype.

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